Bill van Gilder Pottery

When choosing a shipping option please continue to click through the checkout process until you see all of the options offered. UPS shows first in this process and it is ususally not the most cost effective. In most cases USPS is the best price. If you have any questions please get in touch with Kris. vangilderpottery@gmail.com
Wire Knife
We now have one wire that will do everything. No more 'thin' or 'thick wire'.
"Designed to comfortably fit the hand, this lightweight and hard-surfaced aluminum "knife" will become one of your most-used studio tools - for hand building and at the wheel. Unlike a flat knife blade, the ultra-thin textured and tensioned wire cuts through soft clay without drag or distortion. It's ideal for cutting coils! And, it's a safe tool to use in the classroom. It's a great tool for leveling rims - a safe alternative to the more dangerous needle tool. Use it to trim teapot spouts and handle ends, facet, cut-out feet and more.